00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

What if you could CONFIDENTLY use crystals to open your intuition, balance your energy & create more connection? 

(Hint: YOU CAN!!)

    Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Tap the video)


connecting with
your crystals

online retreat

Online retreat

The 5-day retreat that takes you from collecting to confidently connecting with your crystals so you can use their energies to open your intuition as well as create more balance and alignment in your life! 

Monday, October 25th - Friday, October 29th (evenings) - Scroll for full schedule!
The 5-day retreat that takes you from collecting to confidently connecting with your crystals so you can use their energies to open your intuition as well as create more balance and alignment in your life!

Monday, October 25th - Friday, October 29th (evenings) 
Scroll for full schedule!

I'm sure you've heard about how crystals can be powerful healing tools. But, did you know most people have no idea how to even think about using crystals or are overwhelmed by all the freakin' rules!?

Would you believe connecting with crystals is easy?

I'm sure you've heard about how crystals can be powerful healing tools. But, did you know most people have no idea how to even think about using crystals or are overwhelmed by all the freakin' rules!?

Would you believe connecting with crystals is fun and works with your personality?

Our most natural state is to be connected!

I mean, you certainly wouldn’t know it with all of life’s distractions...


Relationship responsibilities
with your partner or kids that keep you running from sunup to sundown.


Professional expectations
to always be “on”; performing at your highest level (even after the work day is done.)


Constant stimulation
from your phone, tablet, laptop, Hulu, Netflix...
and the list goes on!

But it doesn’t have to stay that way! You can find your center again, you just need two things: the right tools and  the understanding of how to use them.

Hello There! I'm Sara.

As a child I was always attracted to stones, rocks, and crystals. Agates were my first love — I was mesmerized with how pretty they were, and I loved the way they felt when I ran my fingers across them.

The thing is, back then I thought I was just drawn to them because they were beautiful. I didn’t realize how much they were providing me with the grounding and stabilizing energy right when I needed it most.

I finally came to understand their true power when I had my crystal awakening in Hawaii in 2008. That was when I began using crystals to help me in all areas of my life —  physically, emotionally and spiritually. Crystals have helped me move through the loss of loved ones, physical pain and injuries, and even traumatic events from my youth. They’ve also become my cornerstones in creating and growing healthy and fulfilling relationships with the amazing people in my life.

But what I love most of all is that they help me stay connected in a way that reminds me every day to appreciate the beautiful things in life! Crystals lead me to experience all the love and joy my life has to offer.

That’s why I’m passionate about teaching you how crystals can bring healing, balance, and reconnection for you, too!

Hello There! I'm Sara.

As a child I was always attracted to stones, rocks, and crystals. Agates were my first love — I was mesmerized with how pretty they were, and I loved the way they felt when I ran my fingers across them.

The thing is, back then I thought I was just drawn to them because they were beautiful. I didn’t realize how much they were providing me with the grounding and stabilizing energy right when I needed it most.

I finally came to understand their true power when I had my crystal awakening in Hawaii in 2008. That was when I began using crystals to help me in all areas of my life —  physically and emotionally. Crystals have helped me move through the loss of loved ones, actual physical pain, and even traumatic events from my youth. They’ve also become my cornerstones in creating and growing healthy and fulfilling relationships with the amazing people in my life.

But what I love most of all is that they help me stay connected in a way that reminds me every day to appreciate the beautiful things in life! Crystals lead me to experience all the love and joy my life has to offer.

That’s why I’m passionate about teaching you how crystals can bring healing, balance, and reconnection for you, too.

Crystals are fun to collect, but their truest value is in
how they help YOU to CONNECT!

And yes, I absolutely know it can feel a little intimidating not knowing how to harness the amazing energies of these gorgeous crystals. It’s one of the main questions I get when people come to me to chat about crystals: how do I use them?! Maybe it’s even why you’ve never gotten any crystals of your own. Or maybe you have, but they’re sitting there longing for your attention!
After using crystals to drastically change my own life over the last decade, I know if you truly understood how they work and how much they could change the way you think, feel, and experience life, you’ll wish you would have started long ago! That’s why I’ve created the Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat! Because learning about crystals doesn’t have to be a complex, rule-abiding process that adds more distraction and confusion to your crystal journey!
In 5 days I’ll teach you how to understand the energies of crystals — and how you can use them to reconnect with yourself. I’ll show you how they can benefit you physically, emotionally and spiritually! You’ll leave feeling empowered to use crystals to help you lean into your intuition and let them guide you each step of the way.

Crystals are fun to collect, but their truest value is in how they can help you CONNECT!

And yes, I absolutely know it can feel a little intimidating not knowing how to harness the amazing energies of these gorgeous crystals. It’s one of the main questions I get when people come to me to chat about crystals: how do I use them?! Maybe it’s even why you’ve never gotten any crystals of your own. Or maybe you have, but they’re sitting there longing for your attention!
After using crystals to drastically change my own life over the last decade, I know if you truly understood how they work and how much they could change the way you think, feel, and experience life, you’ll wish you would have started long ago! That’s why I’ve created the Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat! Because learning about crystals doesn’t have to be a complex, rule-abiding process that adds more distraction and confusion to your crystal journey!
In 5 days I’ll teach you how to understand the energies of crystals — and how you can use them to reconnect with yourself. I’ll show you how they can benefit you physically, emotionally and spiritually! You’ll leave feeling empowered to use crystals to help you lean into your intuition and let them guide you each step of the way.

connect with your crystals

online retreat


OLINE Retreat

The 5-day retreat that takes you from collecting crystals to CONFIDENTLY connecting with them — so you can lead your most authentic, enjoyable life!

It’s time to stop allowing life’s distractions to keep you disconnected.

When you sign up for the Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat, you are not only gifting yourself time to explore your crystal journey, you’re opening the door to a new way of connected living! 

It’s time to feel your BEST!

Wondering what the retreat has to offer?

You’ll learn everything you need to confidently (and intuitively!) use crystals in every area of your life.
The Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat is the perfect place to continue or start your crystal journey. In 5 days, we’ll cover everything from how crystals work to how they are used with your unique energy to how they can help you in all areas of your life.

Day 1 - Opening Ceremony / How Crystals Work with You (10/25 7:00pm EST)

First session starts at 10am EST


Just like crystals have their own unique energy, so do you! You’ll learn not only the metaphysical properties of crystals as a whole, but you’ll understand how to use them in combination with your own energy to maximize their power.
Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Day 2 - Connect with Yourself through Crystals
(10/26 6:00 pm EST)

Once you understand how crystals work with your energy, the next step is receiving  guidance on how to amplify the connection with yourself... because that deeper connection is the doorway to more balance and fulfillment.

First session starts at 10am EST


Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Day 3 - Crystals to Help Relieve Physical Pain
(10/27 7:30 pm EST)

First session starts at 10am EST


Did you know crystals have physical healing properties? We’ll cover how they can help you to alleviate what’s hurting you, because your physical health is a big part of living in balance.
Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Day 4 - Bust Through What’s Holding You Back
(10/28 5:30 pm EST)

Is something standing in the way of what you want? Let crystals be your guide to overcoming these blocks so you can connect with your goals and make them happen. You’ll learn how crystals can be used to uncover what’s been keeping you stuck so you can get more of the experiences you want in life.

First session starts at 10am EST


Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Day 5 - Knowledge Integration + Closing Ceremony
(10/29 7:30 pm EST) 

First session starts at 10am EST


On our last day together, we’ll take some time to revisit your intentions and ensure you know how to use crystals to integrate them into your daily life. Then we’ll celebrate with our Closing Ceremony that will help guide you into a new chapter on your crystal journey!
Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Wondering what the retreat has to offer?

You’ll learn everything you need to confidently (and intuitively!) use crystals in your life.
The Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat is the perfect place to continue or start your crystal journey. In 5 days, we’ll cover everything from how crystals work to how they are used with your unique energy to how they can help you in all areas of your life.

DAY 1 - How Crystals Work with You You 
(10/25 7:00pm EST)

Just like crystals have their own unique energy, so do you! You’ll learn not only the metaphysical properties of crystals as a whole, but you’ll understand how to use them in combination with your own energy to maximize their power.

DAY 2 - Connect with Yourself through Crystals 
(10/26 6:00 pm EST)

Once you understand how crystals work with your energy, the next step is receiving guidance on how to amplify the connection with yourself... because that deeper connection is the doorway to more balance and fulfillment.

DAY 3 - Crystals to Help Relieve Physical Pain
(10/27 7:30 pm EST)

Did you know crystals have physical healing properties, too? We’ll cover how each one can help you to alleviate what’s hurting you, because your physical health is a big part of living in balance.

DAY 4 - Bust Through What’s Holding You Back
(10/28 5:30 pm EST)

Know something is standing in the way of what you want? Let crystals be your guide to overcoming them so you can connect with your goals and make them happen. You’ll learn how crystals can be used to uncover what’s been keeping you stuck so you can get more of the experiences you want in life.

DAY 5 - Knowledge Integration + Closing Ceremony
(10/29 7:30 pm EST) 

On our last day together, we’ll take some time to revisit your intentions and ensure you know how to use crystals to integrate them into your daily life. Then we’ll celebrate with our Closing Ceremony that will help guide you into a new chapter on your crystal journey!
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

That’s not the end though! I’ve created some amazing bonuses 
to enhance your journey!

Daily Crystal Affirmations
I’ve put together a compilation of my top 10 crystals, along with affirmations I use with each. They’re there for you to use to start or continue your day on a high note, but you may find they inspire you to create some of your own, too!
Connecting with Crystals Journal
Do you have trouble getting started when you’re staring at an empty journal page? I  created special journal prompts that will help you bring your thoughts and emotions into focus so you can start writing!
Crystal Clearing + Cleansing Guide
It’s important to know when to clear/cleanse your crystals, so we’re handing over this tool to help! You’ll now know how and when to clear each crystal so they’ll be ready to help you whenever you need them.
Crystals + Water Guide
Not sure which crystals can get wet or which should be kept dry? This handy go-to guide will keep your crystals protected so you can use them for years to come.

That’s not the end though! I’ve created some amazing bonuses to enhance your journey!

Daily Crystal Affirmations
I’ve put together a compilation of my top 10 crystals, along with affirmations I use with each. They’re there for you to use to start your day on a high note, but you may find they inspire you to create some of your own, too!
Crystal Connection Journal
Do you have trouble getting started when you’re staring at an empty journal page? I  created special journal prompts that will help you bring your thoughts and emotions into focus so you can start writing!
Crystal Clearing + Cleansing Guide
It’s important to know when to clear your crystals, so we’re handing over this tool to help! You’ll now know how and when to clear each crystal so they’ll be ready to help you whenever you need them.
Crystals + Water Guide
Not sure which crystals can get wet or which should be kept dry? This handy go-to guide will keep your crystals protected so you can use them for years to come.

Experience the energy of crystals and connection on a soul-led journey for just $57!

When you sign up to join the Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat, your 5-day journey will include...
  • Learning to Feel Crystal Energy and How They Work with You
  • Connecting with Crystals to Connect with Yourself
  • Using Crystals to Help Relieve Physical Pain
  • Using Crystals to Bust Through What’s Holding You Back
  • Reviewing What You Learned + Closing Ceremony
  • BONUS: Daily Crystal Affirmations 
  • BONUS:  Crystal Connection Journal
  • BONUS:  Crystal Clearing + Cleansing Guide
  • BONUS: Crystals + Water Guide

You will get 5 days of crystal goodness...
...for just $57!

Experience the energy of crystals and connection on a soul-led journey for just $57!

When you sign up to join the Connect with Your Crystals Online Retreat, your 5-day journey will include...
  • Learning to Feel Crystal Energy and l How They Work with You
  • Connecting with Crystals to Connect with Yourself
  • Using Crystals to Help Relieve Physical Pain
  • Using Crystals to Bust Through What’s Holding You Back
  • Reviewing What You Learned + Closing Ceremony
  • BONUS: Daily Crystal Affirmations 
  • BONUS:  Crystal Connection Journal
  • BONUS:  Crystal Clearing + Cleansing Guide
  • BONUS: Crystals + Water Guide
  • Reviewing What You Learned + Closing Ceremony

You will get 5 days of crystal goodness...
...for just $57!

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to experience this journey…here’s my money back guarantee!

I 100% guarantee that you will love this retreat!

If after attending all of Day 1 you feel like it is not the right fit for you, I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email us at hello@sarabryki. com by 8:59am EST on Day 2 for a full refund.

Sound fair?

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to experience this journey…here’s my money back guarantee!

I give you my 100% guarantee that you will love this retreat!

If after attending all of Day 1 you feel like it is not the right fit for you, I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email us at hello@sarabryki. com by 8:59am EST on Day 2 for a full refund.

Sound fair?


Take a look at what some of our past crystal lovers have to say about their experiences!

Got Questions? I've Got Answers!

I know nothing about crystals. Will this work for me?
Absolutely! The retreat is designed so it can meet the needs of any crystal lover. Whether you’re just crystal curious or you’ve been a collector for some time, we’ve got something for you.
Do I need my own crystals to participate in the retreat?
It's helpful, but not totally necessary! While you can learn about the properties and energies of crystals without having them, the retreat will have far more impact if you have them with you. Not sure where to start? I’ve got a starter pack waiting for you right here!
So far I haven’t been able to feel the energies of my crystals. Will this help me connect with them?
Yes! You’re probably feeling their energies more than you know, but it’s only because you don’t know what to expect. The retreat will help you deepen your connection with your crystals, and I know you’ll feel them more strongly than ever before!
Will this help me become familiar with which crystals to use and when?
Definitely! And please know you’re not the only one who has crystals, but isn’t sure what to do with them. We’ll cover this in great detail so you’ll be more at ease when it comes to knowing which one to choose.
Why is this experience so inexpensive to join?
I wanted to make this experience accessible so people would have the opportunity to fully feel how amazing crystals are!!
What if I don't feel like it is a good fit for me?
I really do believe you are going to have an amazing time! But just in case you feel like it isn't right for you after attending the first day, just email us at by 8:59am EST on Day 2.

Got Questions? 

I know nothing about crystals. Will this work for me?
Absolutely! The retreat is designed so it can meet the needs of any crystal lover. Whether you’re just crystal curious or you’ve been a collector for some time, we’ve got something for you.
Do I need my own crystals to participate in the retreat?
It's helpful, but not totally necessary! While you can learn about the properties and energies of crystals without having them, the retreat will have far more impact if you have them with you. Not sure where to start? I’ve got a starter pack waiting for you right here!
So far I haven’t been able to feel the energies of my crystals. Will this help me connect with them?
Yes! You’re probably feeling their energies more than you know, but it’s only because you don’t know what to expect. The retreat will help you deepen your connection with your crystals and I know you’ll feel them more strongly than ever before!
Will this help me become familiar with which crystals to use and when?
Definitely! And please know you’re not the only one who has crystals, but isn’t sure what to do with them. We’ll cover this in great detail so you’ll be more at ease when it comes to knowing which one to choose.
Why is this experience so inexpensive to join?
I wanted to make this experience accessible so people would have the opportunity to fully feel how amazing crystals are!!
What if I don't feel like it is a good fit for me?
I really do believe you are going to have an amazing time! But just in case you feel like it isn't right for you after attending the first day, just email us at by 8:59am EST on Day 2.
In a world that gives every reason to disconnect from the people and things you love, it’s time for a change. Whether you’ve never picked up a crystal or you’ve been a collector for years, they have so much to offer! All it takes is knowing how to connect with them so you can better connect with yourself.

The good news is there are no rules when it comes to working with crystals! Your experience will be as unique as your energy because it’s all based on your intuition.

If you’re feeling drawn to be a part of the retreat, I’d love to have you join us. Crystals have guided me to lead a more whole, healthy, and fulfilling life and I know they can do the same for you, too!
In a world that gives every reason to disconnect from the people and things you love, it’s time for a change. Whether you’ve never picked up a crystal or if you’ve been a collector for years, they have so much to offer! All it takes is knowing how to connect with them so you can better connect with yourself.

The good news is there are no rules when it comes to working with crystals! Your experience will be as unique as your energy because it’s all based on your intuition.

If you’re feeling drawn to be a part of the retreat, I’d love to have you join us. Crystals have guided me to lead a more whole, healthy, and fulfilling life and I know they can do the same for you, too!
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